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Dear Dave…

Dear Dave,

I saw pictures on Facebook last week of you holding your newborn daughter, and the only thing I could think was, “Holy flip…Dave’s a DAD!!!”

Has it really been nearly a year already since we walked that stage, dressed in our gowns, tassels dangling from our caps, diplomas in our hands?

Dave and I won first place for our on-air radio demo at the 2011 National Religious Broadcasters Convention. One of my greatest radio achievements and fondest college memories.

Was it already a year ago we won first place at the NRBs for our morning show? Or hosted the most epic Fall Variety Show NWC had ever seen (maybe I’m just biased…)? And remember the rap video we produced to promote it? I don’t think I’ll ever forget that (helps that it will forever be on Youtube…). 🙂

Shoot, Dave, I just don’t know where time’s gone.

My enthusiasm for you and Amanda is dampened only by the fact that I wish I could be there to celebrate with you guys. A daughter. A DAUGHTER!!! I really can’t believe you’re a dad now! I still remember early mornings when you and I were in studio, preparing for our program, coffee pot gurgling in the corner even though we weren’t supposed to have food or drink in studio, and I would think, “Can there really be anything more than this? Is there really a future beyond college radio? If there is, I can’t imagine what it looks like…”

Well, here we are, some 8939.3 miles apart, living out our very real futures. It’s been a crazy ride for both of us, I know.  I think we’ve both ended up in places that we couldn’t have imagined for ourselves a year ago.

But the truth is, I miss you, bud. I wish we could have ridden out some of this past year’s ride together. In the same breath that I wish you and Amanda congratulations I apologize for not being there with you both. Not only for your own sakes, but for mine. The distance is hard sometimes, man…

My grandpa died just over a week ago, and though God’s given me peace about it, I wish I could have been there for his final days, you know?

And did you hear that Holt’s engaged?! Shoot…that’s another one I wish I would be around for…

I wish I could have pushed a pause button when I boarded that plane for South Africa, Dave, that I knew when I returned in three years time, everything would still be just as I had left it. I wish I could come back and pick up right where I left off. I guess life just doesn’t work that way, does it?

What I really want to say, Dave, is that I miss ya, I’m excited for ya, and I’m wishing you and your family the best. Lily will be nearly three years old by the time I make it home and can visit you guys. Three years old…gosh, that’s crazy.

I may be no priest, but I mean it when I say, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Sincerely and forever your pal,
